VISUAL: Animated globe spinning, displaying all the countries in the world.
Narrator: Have you ever wanted to globe trot around the world without putting your studies on hold?
VISUAL: Camera pans out to show a student’s study desk. There are photograph of past student study abroad experiences are pinned on the wall.
Narrator: Get involved in RMIT's international opportunities and open your mind.
VISUAL: Students describing their Study Abroad experiences.
Dante Ceccon: My name is Dante, I'm a professional communication student at RMIT and I studied in London at the University of Westminster.
Elizabeth Subramaniam: Hi, I'm Elizabeth Subramaniam. I completed an exchange at the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark and I also completed the RIIERP program at Rolls Royce Deutschland in Germany.
Jeffrey Hsu: My name is Jeffrey, I studied architecture and I went to the Politecnico di Milano in Italy.
Narrator: RMIT's Education Abroad program helps you discover yourself and your future, make lifelong friends and connections and experience something unforgettable.
Dante Ceccon: I not only spent my time in London but took the opportunity to travel all...
VISUAL: Photos of Dante Ceccon at London landmarks including London Bridge, Abbey road and the England countryside.
Dante Ceccon: …throughout Europe and throughout the UK and Ireland. Saw many places that I never thought I'd find myself in and ate many things I never thought I would eat.
Lucy Stephen: Personally, I've forged friendships that will last for a life time
Elizabeth Subramaniam: I also got to meet so many people from all over the world that taught me a lot about what exists out there and the opportunities that are there and about what people are really capable of.
VISUAL: Displayed country flags including Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, Turkey, UK, USA and Vietnam.
Narrator: You can choose from 150 exchange partners, 21 short study tours to the US, Italy and France, or do your career a favour with an international internship.
Jeffrey Hsu: I was able to experience a lot of the buildings that my lectures and teachers were talking about in lectures, not just seeing them on the screen. A lot of your employers will consider that to be really important to who you are as an architect.
Elizabeth Subramaniam: Professionally these experiences have greatly added to my resume. When I meet with people about potential jobs, or when I'm just networking we end up spending the entire time discussing my experiences abroad.
Lucy Stephen: Professionally I've gotten to meet mentors that I know will be there for my entire life time. Hundreds of RMIT students have worked and researched with companies such as Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, BMW and Nestle in some of the world's beautiful locations.
Elizabeth Subramaniam: It's opened doors for me, I have been offered a position overseas at the company that I worked for and it's also just helped me develop as a person learning about what direction I want to take my career.
Dante Ceccon: I feel like London is now a second home. I can navigate my way around London probably better than I can navigate my way around Melbourne.
Narrator: So whether you are an undergrad, postgrad or research student the opportunities are there for the taking
Lucy Stephen: Should you be offered such an opportunity, go for it and embrace the experience.
Elizabeth Subramaniam: Every student should make the most of the opportunities they get while they're at university and one of the biggest things that you can do for yourself, personally and professionally, is to go abroad.